Monday, February 29, 2016

Review: Les Vampires Oracle Deck by Lucy Cavendish & Jasmine Becket-Griffith

Hello my darlings and thank you for visiting my blog! :)

This post is a general review on the magnificent vampire-themed oracle deck: Les Vampires. You can check each card individually shown on my YouTube Channel.

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Name: Les Vampires 
Type: Oracle Deck
Author: Lucy Cavendish
Illustrator: Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Book included: 135 pages
Size of cards:
Suitable for beginners? Yes, absolutely!

First of all, this oracle deck comes in a beautiful, sturdy box that will surely last you a life-time! The cards themselves are of extreme high-quality and I have yet to notice any damage due to wear which is absolutely amazing! What can I say? Brilliant value for money! 
They have a rather tiny border (2-3mm) for the auditory that prefers borderless cards. The artwork is truly fascinating and though, some might find it a bit too much on the gloomy side, I personally find it just right as life is never only consisting of 'roses and butterflies' and in my honest opinion, the deck manages to capture all spectrums of emotions. This in turn is pivotal for assessing a situation from all perspectives. The deck comes with a booklet that is describing each card individually and something which I am a huge fan of: the book gives you information as to what guidance the card is trying to give you. I guess it's short description of: "Wisdom & Healing messages from the children of the night" is summarizing it perfectly, haha. :)
 There are also 3 spread layouts suggested in the book which can be used with the cards. Personally (but that might be only me!), I would not use the deck for predictions as I find it highly informative when it comes to introspective readings. I find the deck extremely invaluable when it comes to assessing people's emotions and mind-states. To me, this is an absolutely gorgeously presented oracle deck that is depicting on so much more than meets the eye.
Another thing for which this deck is extremely useful would be shadow work as it so brilliantly captures human emotions.

Personally, I find this deck being rather... underappreciated and misunderstood in a sense by others. I know that this oracle deck would not appeal to everyone as not everyone would be willing to work with the rather strong energies of the vampires and as a result, not everyone would be able to connect with it, but I believe that if you have this deck you should at least give it the best chance it deserves because at first, although the art-work is magnificent, I was not able to connect to it either. Then I realised that I have been trying to do it all wrong by following common logic when it comes to connecting to other oracle or tarot decks. But this is not really your average deck. As a result, I believe everyone can connect to it with the proper level of patience and guidance and that is why, I will be publishing posts and videos on simple steps on connecting with this deck and on my intuitive interpretations of it. So, hopefully, I will be able to assist you on your journey with these gorgeous vampire ladies! :)

Hope you give this deck a try, it is absolutely worth it and you would be mind-blown by it and how much it knows about you and about other people! Even perhaps a bit too much...? :P

What are your thoughts on the deck? :) Share them in the comments~

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